Wednesday, July 21, 2010

July 19, 2010 Day 5

Day 5
Weight: 129

So today was good. I actually did the laxative this morning, which was fine and "cleansing". I did the lemonade for two meals (maybe about four drinks total), and had a small sip of diet coke at my friend's music show in Nashville. I actually started feeling shaking and jittery from the caffeine because I wasn't used to it, so I switched to water. SHOCKER! For dinner I had grapes, whole wheat crackers, and brie which tasted delicious! But that was all I had because shortly after my car got broken into, and there were police and a 9 mm and pepper spray involved. And before I knew it, 2:30 a.m. was approaching and I still was in Nashville. Yeah, I know right? Uggh. Oh and I did have a sugar free yogurt popsicle after the break-in, because popsicles make everything better. And yeah, it did.

So far I feel pretty great. Going to maybe stop the lemonade tomorrow, but we'll see. I am feeling good. Oh, and starting probiotics/flora type stuff. You NEED it. I am putting all the good vitamins and things back in, and I'm not having cravings for anything bad at all. I don't even want meat or dairy. Which is sort of a new, weird thing for me. I'm thinking about drinking almond milk instead of soy. Oh, also had a handful of almonds which were indeed delicious and nutritious and hit the spot.

Onto tomorrow....

Monday, July 19, 2010

July 18, 2010 Day 4

Day 4

Weight: 128

So, today was the first day I cheated. Uggh. I know. And here's why. First of all, on the cleanse I highly suggest you actually drink all the lemonade drink you can. I didn't. This morning in a rush to go over my lesson for Relief Society again (and get myself and everyone out the door on time for church), I drank only 16 oz of the witch's brew. Our church is at one and I figured I could make it until 4 p.m. without having a drink. Wrong. Wrong. Wrong. Not only did I not get enough water, I didn't get enough calories and I literally collapsed on the floor while making dinner for the family. I didn't rush to make a drink right away when I got home from church which was a big mistake. I had to put my little girl down to sleep because she hadn't napped ALL DAY, and then we did a bit of cleaning up. I just didn't think about it. That is until I was on the floor. I literally couldn't get up and Matt MADE me eat something. He was really worried. I was seeing spots and I had the worst headache and I literally felt awful. I just started crying. I have read blogs and blogs of this cleanse and others have warned to get enough of the drink or you will feel weak and dizzy and awful. I have a friend who suggests just downing a few tablespoons of pure maple syrup if you are that weak. Wish I would've known sooner. :)

So yeah, I cheated. I had a salad and a little bit of grilled chicken. Oh, and the piece of toast that Matt force fed me on the floor. Ha! I cannot believe I cheated, but gosh. I am so glad I did. In the book, they say to listen to your body and if something doesn't feel right, it probably isn't. They also urge you to push through and overcome the psychological need to eat. I am just mad at myself for not getting enough of the drink in the first place. I have also been thinking about some other things. I had to do a complete cleanse for my colonoscopy about six months ago, and then recently I did an Herbal Cleanse that definitely cleaned me out, but I wasn't sure if it did much. I was reading about how people take several days to get to the liquid BM stage (like day 3 or 4) and about the nasty black tar stuff that had been built up for decades that supposedly is "cleansed" right out of you. I was at the liquid stage on day 1 or so. I guess that proves that I wasn't as toxic as I thought and maybe I didn't need this cleanse just right yet. Geeze, I hate even saying that. I did, however, get rid of a UTI, a yeast infection, clear up my excema on the back of my arms on tops of my legs, AND....dun dun dun...kick the caffeine addiction. I could oh so easily slide right back into the tasty diet coke zero (or my fave diet vanilla coke zero), but I am aware of how much sodium is in diet drinks and everything else! I wasn't aware how much sodium I was actually consuming.

Anyway, I plan to slowly go off the cleanse. Plus we have the retreat this Friday through Sunday. We'll see what happens with my eating and my weight and my insides! :)

Saturday, July 17, 2010

July 17, 2010 Day 3

Day 3

Weight: 129

I am not gonna sugar coat anything, I felt like hell today. I had a headache last night and was starving. Matt brought me an 8 oz drink that I downed immediately and some tylenol. I also took some regular laxatives because I didn't want to do the laxative tea. I was unpleasantly awakened by cramping and my baby crying. Perfect. I stayed in the bathroom for an hour and a 1/2 with unpleasant stomach pains, diarrhea, and a terrible headache. I didn't feel right at all. I felt super dehydrated even though I have been downing water and water/type substances like crazy. After the bathroom excursion I drank two full glasses of water and went back to bed. I slept until 7:45 or so when I was woken again by cramping and a crying baby. Perfect. Again. After another 30 minutes in the bathroom I was feeling all wrong and light headed, dizzy, ornery, you name it. I quickly made a 24 oz drink and had it down by 10:30 a.m. Things usually get better after I drink the lemonade, but I was still a little off. I heard day three can be a killer. But I guess I thought I would be different. I drank more water and some herbal tea. I literally wanted to punch Matt in the face for quitting, oh and eating pancakes and a giant bowl of strawberry mini-wheats in front of me. Seriously. At least he ate his banana in the other room. Although I'm not certain that was out of courtesy.

Around 11, there was complete chaos in the Dolezal household. A normal Sarah K, consuming a normal amount of calories and solid food would have surely been able to handle it. Surely. I just felt all sorts of wrong this morning and the attempted cleaning by all wasn't working out so well. The kids were screaming and fighting over who got to do which chore, and we were yelling at the kids to be quiet because the baby was asleep. It came to a climax when Maya yelped as loud as she could (for no apparent reason) right outside her sleeping sisters door. After she was in time-out (kicking and screaming in a fit of rage), I went to the herbal tea cupboard for some Tension Tamer tea. Surely this would help. Instead I fell to the ground in tears. I wasn't even sure why. Maybe If I were eating "normally" I wouldn't have acted so childishly, but I couldn't help it. This whole journey is definitely mentally, psychologically, and emotionally harder than I expected it to be.

Today I seriously considered quitting. I haven't even considered it until this point. But, today was hard. I pulled myself together eventually and started feeling somewhat normal. We went to river walk park with the girls and let them play at the playground by the river and relaxed a bit. Of course I had to pee like crazy while we were there. But overall it felt good to be outside in the sunshine and know that I was still committed.

I forgot that this upcoming weekend (the 23rd-25th) is our marriage retreat in Nashville. It is provided and paid for by the military. I can't be having terrible diarrhea cramps and be able to drink my witch's brew during seminars. Although maybe I can. I haven't decided what I am going to do. If I am going to stop on Thursday (which would be day 8) then I could have Friday to ease out on some OJ, then at least order some soups or something on Saturday. I don't know. That is kind of another reason I wanted to quit. If I can't do the whole ten days then why do it at all? But, alas, that is just me getting in the way of myself.

Pizza was cooked in the house tonight and man I hated my life. But I drank some more herbal tea and some witch's brew and I'm actually feeling pretty good right now. I fit into some jeans that I bought (which were the wrong size and I was supposed to take back to aeropostale). They were even a little loose and looked cute. So I guess that's a plus.

More later, or tomorrow. We'll have to see. Don't be surprised if I quit, this is harder than it sounds.

Friday, July 16, 2010

July 16, 2010 Day 2

Day 2
Weight: 130

3:30 p.m.
Slightly surprised at my 2 lbs of weight loss. I haven't been able to break 132 for almost a year. Yesterday I only drank five 8 oz cups of the witch's brew, but I drank a bunch of herbal tea (the only cheating allowed). I also find that I like to lick the maple syrup out of the measuring spoon. It is the best part of making this drink. I usually only make the drink in a double dose, but you can make 60 oz at once if you want, but I've heard the cayenne can steep like tea and get kind of spicy throughout the day.

So far today has been surprisingly easy. I am not really hungry, and I have been drinking a lot of water. So far I have had two 16 oz containers of the witch's brew. The suggestion is 6-12 cups and I have done four so far. They say you should at least have six because of the caloric intake and energy you need. Your energy source is primarily the maple syrup, and boy is it delicious. The lemonade mix is soooo good too.

I have heard days two and three are the hardest, but I'm doing okay today. Some people feel sick and flu-like symptoms and if they are addicted to caffeine (like I was) then they get headaches. But no real headaches, but I do have a ton of energy. Which is weird. I would expect the opposite. Another change I noticed is in my skin, I heard to expect this, but I didn't really believe it. After two days my skin is softer and some of my eczema is gone. This is no lie. The dark circles that permanently live beneath my eyes are almost completely gone--in just two days. It's amazing. I feel really great and I know some friends and family who think I will die if I do this, or that I'm doing it for the wrong reasons, but I can assure you that I am not. Oh and I assure you that I most certainly will not die. The longest recorded "cleanse" was 357 days. No lie. They didn't die, they lived baby, and boy were they CLEAN inside.

I haven't had any cravings, but sometimes when I'm making the girls breakfast, or lunch, or dinner---what have you, I am a bit jealous. I did lick the peanut butter off the knife at lunch today, but only slightly and it was wondrous. I felt guilty, but ah well. I have the will power to finish this dang thing. I am starting to discover that I have been eating food (and the wrong food) for all the wrong reasons. I am definitely an emotional eater and maybe this will help me see food in a clearer and healthier light.

So the Herbal Death Tea did absolutely nada for me this morning. I had some rumblings, but nothing. So I decided to do the salt water flush right after I made the girls breakfast this morning. Since my stomach was undoubtedly empty empty empty. Literally I was "cleansed" in ten minutes. I have heard that when you feel like farting--don't. And do it over a toilet since it will not only be just air that you pass. So my...ahem...BM's are mostly yellow liquid now. I have read this is a good thing and it is what I can expect from here on out. This yellow liquid could easily be mistaken for pee, but I know that after I've emptied my bladder--it is certainly coming from a different "nether" region.

As I am writing this, there is a 1/2 eaten plate of popcorn chicken on the table and also a bowl of strawberry yogurt with freshly cut banana slices (Laila's favorite!). I am oddly enough not tempted in the least, although I would choose the yogurt over the popcorn chicken if I was forced at knife point.

So my tea is steeping and my neighbor, Kathy just called. The entire conversation was about food, about the delicious Mexican/chicken/Spanish rice type casserole thing I made last week and how her husband couldn't get enough of it. Also about my mom's infamous recipe for the cool whip/pudding/fruit salad stuff. Her husband couldn't get enough of that either. She got the recipe for both the other day and called to report on how everything turned out and how Clarence wouldn't stop eating it. Bless his heart. I believe he wants to be my new BFF. I will occasionally bring them whatever we're having that night, she's had knee surgery and many other health problems and he isn't much better. They are in their late 60's and have no grandchildren, he doesn't have children at all. She has 2, but one is in Alaska and the other is in Prison. Sad. So we're like their only family in a way.

Off on a tangent here, but I swear there is point to all this. So after all the talk about food and recipes and how much her husband loves my food, she proceeded to tell me she made extra homemade burritos with white Mexican cheese, chili and Spanish rice. Of course she wants us to have them and of course I didn't have the heart to tell her I am doing this cleanse. I couldn't tell her I am only drinking this crazy mixture of fresh squeezed lemons, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper. I just couldn't do it. SO, I thanked her and I will of course feed my children and obediently love the taste of my witch's brew. But on a side note, because of this phone call revolving around delicious food--Matt is deeply considering quitting. He went from 192 yesterday, to 187 today. By the army's standard and a healthy BMI (body mass index) for his height, he needs to be around 180 I think. He feels fine on the cleanse, but he is definitely not as dedicated. He really likes to eat junk. He is not at the liquid BM stage. Thus meaning he is literally full of crap. ha ha. A lot more crap than I. This secretly gives me a bit of pleasure, but don't ever tell him I said so. This blog is mainly for my sister anyway, and anyone wanting to know about how my cleanse is going and if they want to do one themselves. It gives me a bit of pleasure only because it is proving that he really does eat some terrible, nasty, toxic foods and he needs to jump on the healthy food bandwagon with me. But, alas, he doesn't seem to care. He says he has to quit by Thursday (our cleanse ends Saturday the 24th, with a three day ease out process after). Why Thursday? Because the Big Army Dogs are treating him and some other guys to a free meal and it would be just rude not to partake. Nice reason. It really means he will stop Monday if he even does the ease-out phase, day 1 ease out is orange juice, day 2 is juicing, broths, soups, etc, day 3 is live food---veggies fruits and the like, then day four is starting all over again. Starting over again, meaning eating healthy. Hopefully more things like salads, fish, chicken, fruits, veggies, turkey, etc. No more crap. Anyway, on to drink my herbal tea and try to relax a bit.

*One hour later
Burritos arrived and Matt's will power went out the window. He said he was really only doing it for me anyway, because I asked him to and he wanted to be supportive. He said he wanted to try and see if he could do it and try to change as well. I guess if you do it for the wrong reasons (i.e. someone other than yourself), then it won't work. You have to REALLY want the change and it is intense, but it is worth it. He ate the burritos and scarfed some other items in the cupboards and I am happily sipping my witch's brew. Tomorrow is a new day, and closer to day ten. More determined than ever.

*geeze I had a lot to say today. TMI maybe.

July 15, 2010 Day 1

Day 1
Weight: 132.8

11 a.m.
Well, so far so good. It is almost noon and I have had about 18 oz of the lemonade mixture. I have gone to the bathroom at least three times this morning. I do not want to do the Herbal Death Tea tonight because I remember the awful cramping that goes along with it. Although if I do it during the day, I won't have to worry about it waking me up at night. I had a glass of Lemon Zinger herbal tea and it was pretty good. I don't really have any cravings for anything, but my stomach feels empty, gurgl-y, and hungry. I am going to drink some more lemonade and water to see if that helps. You are supposed to drink a lot of water on this cleanse as well. I guess something about water being good for you, I don't know. ;) Bottoms up!

8:30 pm
Did some yoga, meditation, and reality TV watching to get my mind off of this new 10 day lifestyle change. I don't want to call it a diet, because that is not what it is really, although I guess some weight loss is a benefit, but I really want a lifestyle change and to eat healthier after this is all said and done. Who doesn't want to lose a few pounds in the process though? I have read that after you are done with the cleanse you don't crave the bread and the chocolate and the bad processed foods, you crave the things your body actually needs---like fruits and veggies, etc. I drank some spicy chai type tea and did a 16 oz and then 8 oz lemonade mixture. Not craving anything crazy, but just something to chew on in general. Matt really wants to quit. He keeps saying it's too expensive (the syrup is kind of pricey), and only one of us should do it. He also keeps talking about pizza and burritos and burgers and other things that we're trying to "cleanse" ourselves of. They are obviously all excuses, but I guess we'll have to see if he will stick it out with me. I think about how easy it would be to quit, but I am so determined for some reason. I drank at least one liter of water today, I know I should probably drink more, but since I'm usually chronically dehydrated (as most of the world is without even knowing it) it was actually a big step for me. Oh and another thing, I am peeing like crazy. I am about to drink the dreaded laxative tea. Uggh. On to day two tomorrow. I think it will definitely get easier as time goes on.

July 14, 2010

Weight: 132

So I researched the Master Cleanse today. I haven't been feeling hungry anyway because of the medicine I have been taking (which is actually a good thing since I gained 5 lbs on my wonderful vacation). I was sickened the morning after arriving home. I know 5 lbs shouldn't be anything, but it took me a long time to get back down to this weight after having a baby and I don't ever want to see the 140's or 150's again. I am 5'5 for anyone wondering, this weight is acceptable and right in the middle of my BMI, but still--I guess it's some sort of pyschological thing. I always feel like the fat girl, and until I change the inside fat girl, the outside girl will never be that skinny beauty that other people say they see. Annoying isn't it? I AM working on it though.

So I want to thoroughly cleanse my body of all toxins and kind of have a re-do. I did an herbal cleanse a few months ago that I researched and heard was amazing at giving your metabolism a boost. It fell pretty flat if you want to hear about it. It didn't do much, I didn't really feel "cleansed" and in the end it was just a waste of money that I probably shouldn't have spent in the first place. I think I actually gained a few pounds on that cleanse and I followed the directions exactly.

I also want to see how dedicated I can actually be on this thing. I mean, how hard can it actually be right? It's only ten days. You can do anything for ten days, right? I think drinking the laxative tea and the salt water flush will probably be the hardest part of the whole thing. The salt water flush is optional and there is also an "ease-in" phase that is optional. But the laxative tea is a must, or a laxative of some sort--I hear you can subsitute. But the senna leaf in the Smooth Move works wonders. I have lovingly called this tea "Herbal Death Tea" from past experiences. I just remember the terrible cramping and the pains, but we'll see how it goes.

**Night** So we are really going to do this thing. Seriously. Matt said he'd do it with me, which in short is a miracle. I honestly do not see him lasting the full 10 days (there is also a three day ease out process so you don't get sick). But you never know, he may just surprise me. We'll see. We decided to do a tatste test of the lemonade and it was actually pretty good. We both took 2 laxatives and also did the salt water flush (which I learned too late needs to be done on an empty stomach to properly work). We'll see how tomorrow goes. I am excited about it---and the fifty lemons we just bought.

For those wondering here is the actual recipe:

2 tablespoons fresh squeezed lemon juice (use organic if possible, and a juicer really helps)

2 tablespoons of organic grade b maple syrup ( can find it at whole foods or any other health food store, but don't try wal-mart, they only have grade a)

1/10 tsp cayenne pepper (or more to taste...depending on what kind of kick you can or can't stand. The cayenne is really important in opening up the blood vessels and has essential vitamins you need during this process)

8-10 0z of pure filtered or spring water

You are supposed to drink 6-12 cups of this "witch's brew" daily, or more if you feel hungry. But you shouldn't do less than 6 cups. Some people have lost 20 lbs on this cleanse and you can do it for over ten days if you feel up to it.

At night you are supposed to drink the herbal death tea, and some also choose to do the salt water flush (1 liter of filtered water, sea salt -not iodized). You basically pound it down because it is literally the nastiest thing you will ever drink, well at least I think so. A word to the wise, stay near a toilet.